Constitutional Review - Members Survey

July 6th 2023

Dear member,


As a member of the Arlington Baths Club, you have been invited to take part in this important survey. The survey questions relate to the current Rules and Regulations of the Club  and your views on their impact in facilitating the successful running of the Club are important.

Before commencing with the survey, it is strongly recommended you review the Rules and Regulations  as well as the latest Annual Report .

You will have received the survey in an email to the address registered with the club. You will need approximately 15 minutes to complete, and access to the survey will close at 12 noon Thursday 24 August 2023. The survey will then be followed up with member engagement events, either online or in-person.

The content below provides some further context you may find useful prior to completing the survey.

How the Arlington Baths Club is Governed 

The Arlington Baths Club’s constitution is called the Rules and Regulations and sets out the governance arrangements and formal requirements of the membership and how the Board runs the Club.

Club members are elected to the Board. Board members act on behalf of the Club, making decisions in line with the Club’s constitution. The Board is responsible for the governance and strategic direction of the Club and hold legal liability.

The Board also appoints the General Manager who, in turn, is responsible for the day-to-day running of the Club. Board members hold the General Manager and staff to account for the effective running of the Club.

The Nature of this Consultation 

The Board is committed to facilitating engagement with all members and have appointed Kinharvie to conduct this review. As a consultation, the review process seeks to canvass members views, which will be invaluable in understanding any changes needed to the Rules and Regulations. It should be stressed: 

  • The findings of the consultation will be presented to the Board in the form of a report provided by Kinharvie. The Board will report the findings to members. 
  • Based on the findings, the Board will propose necessary changes to the Rules and Regulations to be presented at an AGM for voting
  • Any proposed change(s) need to support the strategic ambition of the club and enable the current and any future Board to fulfil its responsibility for governance and decision-making including its financial, legal, corporate, and social responsibilities to the Club.

Intended Outcomes of the Review

  • An understanding of the ways in which the Clubs Rules and Regulations facilitate, or otherwise, the successful running of the Club. 
  • Views from members about what’s working well and what could work better regarding the Rules and Regulations. 
  • Ideas and suggestions emerging from the consultation for improving the Rules and Regulations of the Club. 
  • A report including recommendations / options the Board may wish to consider actioning by way of proposed changes to the constitution – voted on at an AGM. 

Fiona Macdonald & Valerie Kaye On behalf of the Board of Arlington Baths Club

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