I welcome the UK Government offer to pay 80% of staff wages during the Coronavirus crisis. Indeed I had already given a commitment to our 6 core staff that I’d do everything possible to save their jobs as we do all we can to save your club.
The devil, of course is always in the detail and assuming we qualify for the Government grants we hope to offer lower membership fees during our shutdown.
Until we reopen, we’ll do all we can to cut expenditure, whilst keeping essential systems running. Although energy will be reduced, we’ll still have utility bills, debt repayments and other costs to add to the remaining 20% wages bill. I’ll be meeting our General Manager Andrew McGilp and Treasurer Tim Pearson to crunch the numbers and will let you know how much we may realistically take off membership costs as soon as possible.
I realise some of you will be hit hard financially and it is understandable that some people will be considering their membership, but I’m genuinely touched by all the messages of support from members who want to help the club survive. And the offers from all those who can afford it to keep paying their fees in full is amazingly generous.
This isn’t the first crisis to hit the baths in our 150 years, and no doubt it won’t be the last. We’re still here because generations of members just like you really cared about their club, their Arlington community. We can do this if you stick with us.
Best wishes
Gordon McDougall
PS Please continue checking our website, Facebook and Twitter accounts for updates